The quest for growth arrived in destiny 2, giving us all access to the exotic trace rifle with ruinous effigy, as long as we can find some Marathon puppets. You will have to defeat 15 of them as part of the quest, and you can find them in different places, but only those killed on IO and Titan will count for the progress of the mission.
Marathon puppets are normally linked to the public contact event, and you can reveal one or two during this event. However, some changes have arrived in Destiny 2, and now you can find puppets and disruptors that browse the areas of IO and Titan that have no active contact event.
Sometimes you will encounter a solo puppet easy to handle, or you can find Disruptors with Taken Blights. If you kill the burns, then the disruptors, it will cause the appearance of a puppet that you can then remove.
So, to repeat
Travel either to IO or to Titan Consult the map to see where the Public Contact event is located Head to an area without the public event Drive on your sparrow until you find a disruptive or puppet
Sometimes you will see a message on the screen telling you that a disruptor appeared, which is a nice indication of the game that one is in the same area
Kill the Rush or Puppet
Rinse and repeat
And that's all. Like many things in Destiny 2, we will just need to rectify them, but it will not take long using this method. Contact events take too much time to end, while you can get five or six eliminations in about 10 minutes quite easily in this way.
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