An Xbox Game Pass subscription would not make financial meaning on PS5, says Sony

Sony Interactive Entertainment (· )is a subsidiary of the Sony Japanese corporation, focusing on the videography and based in San Mateo, California. The company creates, creates and markets game consoles as well as video games. The success of the PlayStation range makes it among the main players on the market. The company is founded in 1993 under the name Sony Computer system Amusement, Inc.( SCEI). She takes her existing name on April 1, 2016.

In an interview with the BBC, the CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Jim Ryan, said that a subscription like Xbox Game Pass would have no financial meanings on PS5.

Sony RESPONDS To Xbox Game Pass | Will Ps5 Follow The Xbox Series X? | Xbox & Ps5 News

According to Ryan, PlayStation is all about blockbuster and exclusive games, and these are extremely expensive to produce.

In this spirit, give these games the day of their birth at a low and fixed price would not allow Sony to recover these costs to develop and market such games.

When I questioned Mr. Ryan about the possibility of a similar service, reports the report of the BBC on the PS5 that has just been released, he said that Playstation concerned big games that were expensive to do.

A similar subscription service model would have no financial sense, he adds, explaining why Sony has been so categorical in the delivery of Exclusive PlayStation 4 titles on PlayStation Now, which is closest Xbox Game Pass that Sony has had over the years.

However, this does not mean that Sony is not willing to offer a selection of games always available for PS5 clients.

At the last PlayStation event, the owner of the Japanese platform announced PlayStation Plus Collection, a kind of mini-Xbox Game Pass service for players who will buy the new generation console.

This is an added benefit in addition to more existing PlayStation subscriptions, at no additional cost, including 18 games of the current generation, such as God of War, Monster Hunter World, etc.

Sony mentioned that this selection will increase over time, even if it did not specify whether it could add native PS5 securities in the future.

Since the console manufacturer has only one system at its disposal and services, it is not surprising that the triple-day and date output on a subscription service does not have Many senses.

Microsoft extends the Xbox Game Pass over a number of devices, including Android smartphones and tablets, to make it profitable.

For the moment, on Xbox One and PC, it was not a big profit game, as the director of Xbox Aaron Greenberg estimated, but the addition of new devices should be soon.
