Jens has been playing ESCAPE from Markov as intensively for days as never before, though it drives him every time the white lug.
Peng! With this loud noise and a hit in my left arm, my quiet search for a few rubles in the cash registers of the gas station in the industrial area of Markov abruptly interrupted. I look in the direction from which the shot came and viewed an enemy mercenary, which stands in the doorway of the rear entrance. He closes the door — in front of him. Someone wants to play games. I arrange for a few seconds on the spot, examined my wound, connect them with a bandage to stop the bleeding. The guy does not come, as I thought to me, through the front entrance into the gas station building. I raise me and leave the building through the back entrance, my weapon always in the stop. A typical day in Escape from Markov, I think and sit with anxious welding on the forehead in front of the screen.
I do not see the shooters, but I can hear his steps. I walk to the right and suddenly the bastard shoots me in my back. Several wounds of gape, I do not have the necessary medical material to escape my death. The enemy has retreated again, but I can still hear him. Ok, that's it for me, but the hole I'll take it to hell! I can barely run, but use my rifle, that's still in it. I run around the gas station, prepared for my early killer to meet me at any time and I push it away.
The problem: Instead of a quick-firing machine gun or a powerful shotgun, I have a hunting rifle. Only through a targeted shot in my adversary head, I can chip to him all lights. A second goal would not be able to land due to the slow shooting frequency of my killing tool if he stands right in front of me. Then he appears in front of my nose, I put on, miss him in the hustle and bustle, and he misses me the mercy. I annoyed me briefly, but then come to the conclusion: this moment was one of the better ones I have experienced so far in Escape from Markov.
Fruit — The game
If the term hardcore shooter would be in the Auden, I would insist that Escape from Markov is cited as the first way for example. Because what the Russian developer has created Battle state Games here is not only so hardcore, because it has a mischievous complexity, but above all, because it is so unmarketable. No game has ever been so frustrated as Escape from Markov, at least since I'm not a child anymore, which is mercilessly feasible at the first boss in Donkey Kong Country 3. No SoulS borne or Souls-Like game In this world, I've ever driven me so much in the madness, no defeat in Counter-Strike felt so frustrating as individual deaths in Escape from Markov.
I have already experienced several laps in which at me at the latest two minutes all the lights out — either because I have long-believed around a corner and thus directly in the course of another player, or due to a headshot from the distance, which I still Not even heard. Suddenly my character was simply dead together and there was nothing I could have done to prevent that.
Such screens are therefore so frustrating because they are synonymous with it that you lose everything you have at themselves: his weapons and protective clothing, ammunition, medications, foods and all the prey, which one has suggested in the same match. While you can get the equipment you go into a RAID (so the rounds in Escape from Markov), assure against playing currency before, get them back the next day, but only if they have no other player under the nail. If you are killed out of the blue and in seconds, it really is not fun. In a game of man annoying you can not fail, feel like a triumph in comparison.
I can not stop
So yes, Escape from Markov regularly stimulates me terribly and again and again there are the situations in which I think after such a frustrating demise: Ne, game, you can! I'll do something else now!... and then I notice that I can play a round as a scan, so quasi on side of the I opponents. In the case one does not play his own character, get equipment made and thus can not lose anything what one has not developed in a previous game. So you are not a risk. Well, then I'll go further.
I have often had such moments, and they do not surprise me at all. Despite all the trouble I prepare Escape from Markov, I can not currently stop playing it daily. So frustrating it is, so awesome it is too. This game offers me an experience that no other shooter can reproduce. No competitor puts me in such exciting situations. If it is possible to lose all that, which I can wear with me, the death can lurk behind every corner and thus every RAID is dominated by the uncertainty about how he develops for me, I feel a very special form of thrill. And as Escape from Markov can lead to sheer despair, it can also trigger the most intense feelings of happiness that a multiplayer game ever woke up in me.
A unique game
If I turn off another player and turn me up to his loot in the bag or even several I enemies into the hereafter and then leave the card alive, it triggers an extreme euphoria. It may be that the total frustration follows the total frustration in the next RAID, but this is a positive moment and the prior tension are priceless for me.
Not even the ingenious Hunt: Showdown of Creek, which has quite some similarities with Escape from Markov, but his very own way, drives the thrill on such a high level. Well, it's less frustrating. Even in the rounds in which one loses his hunter and thus has a new high levels, you usually taste a lot of experience points for the overarching account progress as well as money. In Escape from Markov I have absolutely nothing in many of the 2-minute raids mentioned above. If I did not live anything before, no objects to me previously unknown items were examined or, for example, had increased my endurance level by sprints, I returned home with completely empty hands. Then there was not a few poplar experience points, but I just wasted time and lost equipment.
there is still much more good in it
Escape from Markov but has other qualities that captivate me: the huge weapon arsenal and the many ways to modify their own creaking, the fantastic gun play, the greatly designed maps with their Eastern Bloc charm, the pretty graphic (which battle state games from the Unity Engine is coming up, is impressive), the sensational sound design. Escape from Markov is still a good deal of finished. It is one of these games that seem to never leave the Early Access. However, the developers are now working for so many years that the scope is big enough to have hundreds of hours having fun. Nonetheless, the Russians have a lot of work in front of them when their work should ever leave the beta cycle.
I will gladly accompany you on this way. Theoretically, I have been doing that for years, because my purchase of Escape from Markov is far back. But I have never played it as intensively as currently and had so much fun. Once the frustration factor once scared me, I have learned now to live with him and let me not spoil the joy of playing from him — at least never for more than a few minutes.
Now to the Escape from Markov website!
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