In addition, the Democratic Party said the president of President Lee Vietnam said to establish the National Armed Forces E-Sports Corps.
This candidate attended the General Assembly Meeting of the National Assembly Meeting of the National Assembly for the E-Sports Development on the 15th, I took a chance to exert the international competition and be able to be a chance to train their skills.
This candidate attended the site, Park Jeong-seok, Song Byeong-gu, Gangway Lee Chang-seok, (Guangzhou) Asian Games, (Guangzhou) Asian Games, (Guangzhou) Asian games, So I ordered I will not blame the game to play, but I have to change to one area of the athletic in a single area.
In addition, this candidate when he is working as a branch of Gyeonggi Province (in Seagram), especially, especially when the Pang yo area, which I was marketed by the market, I had a lot of conversation with a major interest in the game industry that led the global game industry. I said. After the Lee Mung Back Park Geun-hye regime, the Korean (Game Industries), who was leading the world in the wind, which is the fourth as a 4-way, such as drugs, said Korea (the game industry), said. This candidate ordered the efforts to promptly to quickly seek the National Army e-Sports Corps for members who attended the field.
This candidate said, The core of the future industry is a play culture like a game, Considering the growth potential of the game market, a good job, the impact on the domestic industry, I said.
In addition, the game really needs a lot of materials, creativity and is a very important value of personality and originality, so if we are interested in the game as ahead of the world, I could be a country.
The candidate Lee Pre-noting can take the desired score in Galleys>, he said, It takes one hour to take one million points, he said. In addition, We expect the game industry to be a combination of soft power and expect ahead of it.
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