PS5: The new update makes it easier for you to hunt for platinum

Yesterday, Sony finally has unlocked the slot for the memory expansion of the PS5 via system update after a long time. But with all the hype around the new SSDs, a little bit of the smaller changes have been forgotten.

The new firmware is just a real blessing for trophy hunters. We summarize for you how the update simplifies you the hunt for the next platinum.

PS5 update brings numerous changes for Trophy Hunters

Sony has really added a lot with the new system software that is likely to be happy to look forward to Trophy-Hunter. Especially friends of tidy menus and more sorting, will have their pleasure.

New vertical trophy list

If you have gone to the menu so far and wanted to look up your trophies, then these were displayed in the view from left to right. For individual details you have to press on the trophy.

That's different now, because all trophies are really displayed as a list with each other and that directly with all the details you need to collect. Without a click you see so name, description, degree of trophy, rarity and, if applicable, the progress.

If you press a preserved trophy, then you can display even more details like the date of activation. With a still locked achievement, you can now also use a special function called Trophy Tracker .

Trophies track

With this new function you create an activity card for the control center yourself. You can add five trophies per game to the tracker. These will then be displayed to you when playing the title in the control center and you can even attach you to the page of your game screen. So you always have the progress of the most important trophies in view.

The activity card can then directly manage the trophies that are to be tracked. So you have reached a achievement, then you can choose the next task directly with just a few clicks. You can also add secret trophies of tracking, but you have to uncover this before and run into spoilers.

More accurate trophy statistics in the menu

Hovtert you about a game clay in the menu of the PS5, then you have always been displayed at the bottom right with a precise number and in percent, how many trophies you have collected. Now the whole thing is broken down in the same box and you can see directly, how many bronze, silver, gold and platinum trophies have collected her in the game.

PS5 trophies visible on PS4

Who still plays on the PS4, but still wants to look at PS5 trophies, that can now finally make. With the PS4 update you can watch what trophies you or your friends have already collected on the new console. So far, PS5 lists were simply not displayed.

These are all improvements for trophy hunters in the new system update. In addition, you can interfere with the creation of screenshots by simply shutting off the annoying notification when saving. How does that go, betray displayed in this article.

Do you like the improvements regarding the trophies?
