NOOH 2 protective guest guide: Which starting spirit should you choose? - Team Ninja - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

Find your ghost animal in our guide to the protective spirits of NiOH 2

(Credit: Team Ninja)

The choice of your NIOH 2 protective spirit is a big deal as it defines your skills, buffs and an alternative ghost shape. In the near future, we will go through each of the three choices - bird, wolf or phantasm - in detail to show you what advantages every Yokai form has what skills you develop and how effective you are in combat.

Which NiOH 2 protective spirit should I choose?

Protection spirits indicate what kind of Yokai they will transform when they press triangle and circle together as soon as their Amrita display is filled. While you have to make a selection at the beginning, you will unlock new ghost animals and change them during the game. It will take some time. It is very similar to the selection of your starter Pokémon. So read on while we introduce you to the benefits and the fight style of each protective spirit.

Harbor Fast Bird - AME-NO-MITORI (WILD)

_ Capability advantage: +1 on heart (influencing your ki and your fire resistance, affects sword and arc weapons) _

The bird spirit Ame-No-Mitori is the best spirit if you want to attack in NiOH 2 lightning fast. His statistical advantages include an increase in running speed and KI recovery, as well as a means of recharging your Anima meter you need to fill yourself to use soul core attacks that will eventually vote on your protective spirit if you defeat the shameful yokai.

In combat, the wild Yokai form is dangerously fast and can overwhelm the endurance of a Yokai with ease. One of the best skills is the ability to shay steps in the middle of the Combo so that you can solve when the enemy performs a devastating attack. The special attack of the wild shape (activated by simultaneously pressing triangle and circle) lets you jump into the air and trigger a lightning strike on your enemy, paralyze it in place and open it for further attacks.

Port of the Wild Wolf - Makami (Brute)

_ Capability advantage: +1 to strength (activates the special effects of heavy armor and increases water resistance, the Odachi weapon benefits) _

The Wolfgeist Makami is the deadliest of the three protective spirits in Nioh 2. Statistically seen the mind offers you a bonus on your Anima ad when it is guarded, reduces your KI consumption (stamina) for melee attacks and adds the last beating to damage if Break the attitude of a enemy.

In combat, the deadly animal is sluggish, but with its massive bat encrusted with Lava, which has a gigantic range of effects, adds tons of damage. If you hold down Triangle, you can recharge the bat and turn into a hammer you can beat on an unsuspecting yokai. His Yokai burst train is slower than the feral-type, but offers excellent animation for surprising enemies. The special ability of the blank makes the wolf shoot on the enemy you have chosen and leaves a fire trace.

Port the Dark Phantasma - Kagewani (Phantasma)

_ Capability advantage: +1 on magic (determines the effect and capacity of omyo magic, the switchglaive weapon benefits) _

The Hai Spirit Kagewani offers the phantom yokai form in NiOH 2, which hovers on the battlefield and causes magical damage. This is ideal for players who want to focus on Omyo magic and want a mix between the wild and brute shape. Kagewani offers her anima a boost when she land ranged attacks, its life will increase by +200 and gives them stubbornness, an effect that causes their attacks over time.

In the fight, the magical phantasm is fast, but adds his damages from afar and hurls rotating sound of magical energy on his opponents. When you tap on triangle, a spear fatal magical damage is released on your chosen enemy, while with triangle, two massive swirling blades will unleash to enemies. Kagewanis Yokai Burst attack is more similar to a sign - Yokai remains quiet when blocking a burst attack. The special train is known to those who have played in League of Legends as Fizz, because by tapping on triangle and circle, a shark is summoned from the ground, which jumps into the air and attacks the unfortunate enemy in its effectiveness.
