Amazon has announced that your new MMONEW WORLD will appear later. The announcement came only a few weeks before the scheduled release. Nevertheless, hardly a player is really angry, most of them show understanding or even glad about it.
When will New World? On August 4, Amazon announced that New World will only appear on September 28, 2021. This is now the fifth shift of the new MMOS.
As a reason, the developers call that many mistakes and problems were reported in the recently finished closed beta, which are now used to fix. But you need time. Amazon works now:
- Remedy of bugs
* Improving server stability
* Polish
There were more complaints about some of these areas, both players and about streamers. Read more about us on Meinmmo: 3 things that New World has to improve until the release
The players react: Some players are indignant that the game is postponed again (via They would have taken about vacation or found beta in dozens of hours, demand that New World seems earlier. Others react somewhat more easily with funny memes, which will nevertheless show a little annoyance:
However, these players are in the minority. The general tenor in the community is that one welcomes the shift, hoping to have a better gaming experience.
"Better a better game than what half guarantee"
Why do players find a shift okay? Although the beta was extremely successful and New World partially drove to the top of Steam, many of the players have found bugs and problems.
On Reddit find many smaller threads in which players think: In the long run, the shift is good. Even in the large thread for shifting it is called by users Superlux_: "As much as I was ready to play on 31st August, I'm glad to see that they value quality. Other studios would probably have published it and problems prompted later "(via
Also on Twitter and in German room are similar reactions. The Streamer Cirous, for example, showed extra New World because he wanted to pick up the fun for "later", says, "I can not say that I would not be sad and now needs to change everything again. But rather a better game than what half guaranteed. Please promise me that it will not be postponed again "(via
More about New World on Meinmom:
- Twitch Streamer Asmongold insults New World as a "waste" - but it still be a "good game"
- Twitch Streamer Shroud loves the endgame in New World: "That's exactly how MMOs should be"
- Everything about the new MMO New World of Amazon - Release, Beta, Pre-order, Gameplay
If there is still a beta? Almost as often as the shift is welcomed, players at the same time demand another beta, preferably an open one. They mean, so more mistakes could be found and a smooth launch could be guaranteed.
According to current information, however, another beta is not planned. We keep you up to date on Meinmmo as soon as we know more. The reactions to the closed beta were quite strong in any case:
Yesterday ended the beta of New World - Giant Hype, but also a lot of criticism
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