Korea Games, Gyeonggi Art Center, Metabus Platform Construction

The Korean Games Society concluded the Convention on the Doctoral Art Center and the Metabus Platform Convention on the 11th.

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The two agencies have decided to cooperate in various events and cooperation, and metabus platform construction, starting with research for the cultural artistic development of metabuses through this task agreement.

"I am expecting a new chapter to develop a new chapter of culture and art through a new approach that utilizes metabus in reality that is more demanded by the butiented platform with the longevity of Corona."

"The Message Platform of the Metropolitan Art Center, said," The Message Platform of the Metropolitan Arts Center is a cultural arts public institution, "said Metropolitan Government, I would like to help the game industry and the institute to build a meta bus. "

The Korean Games Institute for the 20th anniversary of the establishment is a group consisting of industry and public institutions, centered on game academia. The Gyeonggi Art Center operates a large-scale performance hall, Gyeonggi-do, and related troops in Paldal-gu, Suwon City. Performances are in progress on real-time relay, block chain-based content distribution platform development.
