Hexicon is a word search based strategy game that is available early access for iOS and Android

Hexicon is an upcoming word of words, where the players fight for control over a board with their vocabulary. It is currently available in Early Access for iOS and Android. Hexicon combines the word search with a little area control to create a competitive pun.

CDK Drive Executive Desktop – Basic and Enhanced Store View The game is played on a hexagonal grid, which is full of mini hexagons on which a letter is each. The players are alternately looking for words in this grid so they can claim these tiles as their own territory. Simply tap the tile with the initial letter and drag the cursor over the remaining letters until you reach the end of the word.

The aim of the game is to capture tiles in the middle of the title hexicon. This is a shape that consists of six hexagons that surround one of them. The player who has the largest part of his color around this shape can take the middle tile permanently and this player receives a point. The letters surrounding this platelet are returned to a neutral color, and win the first to 16 points.

There are also different other strategies that you should consider, z. B. exchanging adjacent tiles so that you can create new words. When a hexicon has been created from permanently caught tiles, these tiles receive a neutral color again, although both players keep the points they deserve.

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It seems to be very interesting in any case, especially if you like word games. The best is that there is an asynchronous multiplayer mode so you do not have to wait until someone is in turn. Instead, you can rely on it when you have time.

Hexicon is now available in Early Access under [Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Hexicon] and available through Apple's Test Flight game. You can play the game for free because the game is fully supported by advertising.

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