In order to confront the armies of his father through the hell, Zagreus must equip properly. Among his arsenal in hades, the prince of the underground world has the bow tracker and its different aspects. This arc can be unlocking with Chthonian keys from the second attempt to escape and offers a long distance game style.
After unlocked the basic weapons, the different aspects of each of them can be obtained. You have to spend a number of Titan blood to unblock them, but every aspect offers unique bonuses and skills.
Appearance of Zagreus
This is the basic form of the weapon, available at the price of an Chthonian key. This arc offers variable scope with its attack to load, or a cone scanning with a wide range. It is ideal for keeping the distance, at the expense of reduced mobility.
Passive: Critical attack chance
Attack: load an attack
Technique: Tires a stolen of 9 cone arrows
Assault: Dark forward and decoces an arrow at the nearest enemy
Cost: 1 Chthonian key
Appearance of Chiron
Tutor of many heroes, Chiron is a master hundred man in the art of archery. Its appearance makes it possible to strengthen the technique by forcing the arrows to head towards a particular target after attacking.
Passive: Number of arrows per technique Attack: load an attack that marks its target Technique: Tires a stolen from cone arrows, or targeting the target marked by the attack Assault: Dark forward and decoces an arrow at the nearest enemy
Cost: 1 Titan Blood
Appearance of Hera
Strengthen your attack with your hemolites by charging them on your bow. The appearance of Hera allows you to launch your hemolites and recover them faster.
Passive: Delete delineation of hemolites Attack: load an attack Technique: Tires a stolen of 9 cone arrows Assault: Dark forward and decoces an arrow at the nearest enemy
Cost: 2 Titan Blood
Rama Appearance
To unblock the hidden aspect of Rama, it is necessary first to have obtained the hidden aspect of the eternal lance and spent a total of 5 Titan's bloods in the improvement of the CRA. As soon as these conditions are fulfilled, it is necessary to regularly discuss with artemis until it offers you the appearance. You can force its appearance at the beginning of an escape with the diamond arrowhead **. In this form, the weapon has a slower gameplay but offers a devastating attack and a more precise technique.
Passive: Shared suffering damage Attack: load an attack Technique: Tires a dam of 4 arrows in one direction, applying shared suffering Assault: Dark forward and decoces an arrow at the nearest enemy
Cost: 3 Titan Blood
You now know everything about the arc tracks heart and its different aspects in hades. But other weapons also have their own secrets that offer new perspectives to try to escape hell.
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