Death Stranding for Using Denuvo Anti-Tamper Software on the PC - Hideo Kojima - Video Peel News, Instructions, Exemplary procedures, Reviews and Culture

New Kojima Horror Game Teased By Junji Ito, Says He Was Invited To Work On It The expanded PC version will use the controversial anti-piracy tool.

The latest game of Hideo Kojima, todesstrandung, was something. It is really hard to define and even more difficult to break it up in a summary summary. Last but not least, it is really unique and at least worth a try. The game was published at the end of last year as an exclusive PS4 game. Now also PC players have their date and some extras they can look forward to it (more to read here). However, there may be some people whose excitement is damped, as a certain yet anti-piracy tool will be included.

As confirmed on the new Steam side of the game, the PC version will actually use DENUVO anti-manipulation technology. Presumably it will be the latest version of the software.

Denuvo is a rather controversial tool, which is mostly considered as resource-eater and is quickly cracked, resulting in a basically ineffective software. But so or so it has become like an industry standard, and todesstrandung will have it when the game comes to the PC on June 2.

Marked with: 505 Games, Death Edit, Kojima Productions, PC
