A player showed the impressive achievements that can be obtained by dedicating a lot of time and energy to the games. In 12 years he managed to win 10,000 trophies in PlayStation 4.
Who has played The user of Reddit Ewokslayer has been playing games at PlayStation 3 and 4 for 12 years and has collected tons of trophies during this time.
What did he achieve? In total, the tireless commitment of him with the games earned him 10,000 trophies, which include:
- 114 platinum trophies
- 674 gold trophies
- 1.915 Silver Trophies
* 7,297 Bronze Trophies
This is a remarkable feat since many players do not have or only have a handful of platinum trophies. These trophies are often only available for a series of particularly complicated tasks that are out of discussion for most players.
Source: Reddit.
a lot of time and cheap special offers lead to a record of trophies
** How did everything do it?
When asked how he could find the time for all this, Ewokslayer said: I have been unemployed for too long over the years. But it would have been better if I had not had 10K (trophies) (and a job instead).
He could always get his games at a low price through special offers and sales and thanks to a 2-terabytes SSD disk for PS4 There was also enough storage space to not delete and reinstall games constantly.
What was your most remarkable platinum trophy? Many readers of the thread wanted to know what platinum trophy I was particularly proud.
Definitely alien isolation. You have to do all the game without dying. Not at all. And the extraterrestrial may appear where he wants. My nerves were totally at the end of this game. (But I loved it.
He also obtained three particularly difficult trophies at a time at Resident Evil 7. To do this, he had to play the game in less than 4 hours, using less than three kits and opening the box of items a maximum of 3 times. In an anguished session he achieved the three at a time!
It is assumed that a game similar to Alien: Isolation is aimed at the fans of the MMOs and you can see the first advance.
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